
Our relationships are a really big part of our lives, whether they’re with a partner, friends, family or even your relationship with yourself. Taking small steps to improve your relationships can make a big difference to your mental wellbeing and improve the way you feel about yourself and the other people in your life. Your relationship with yourself is a really important connection to consider. Sometimes difficult emotions can build up and we might feel irritable, snappy or withdrawn. If your partner, friend or family member is going through a tough time, it can be hard or upsetting for you too – so it’s important for you to support them in a way that also protects your own mental wellbeing.


Relationship with You

Self-love and -compassion are key for mental health and well-being, keeping depression and anxiety at bay. Self-love might sound like a luxury rather than a necessity — or a new-age fad for those with too much time on their hands.

Relationship with Rest of World

Never give up on someone with a mental illness. When “I” is replaced by “We”, illness becomes Wellness. positive interactions reduce the risk of these issues.