Numerology is all about numbers and their vibrational propensity that help an expert in predicting the future of a person.

"There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't."
What is Numerology?
Numerology is all about numbers and their vibrational propensity that help an expert in predicting the future of a person. It is believed that all the numbers have the power to affect a person’s characteristics and the events taking place in their lives. Numerology considers the sum total of the numbers in a person’s date of birth and the numerological equivalents of the letters in their name.

How it Works?
The moment a child is born, it makes a deep impact on his identity for the rest of his life. The name his parents give him also affects his personality and the events in his life in a big way. A person’s date of birth and his name forms the basis for analysis in numerology. Since this information is known to most people, numerology becomes a very convenient way to find out about a person’s personality, his future, what he should expect and how he gets along with others. This makes it a great point for a person to start exploring about himself and his future.